Botanica Gothoburgensia

ISSN: 0068-0370
Editors: Christer Sundqvist and Inger Wallentinus

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  1. Degelius, Gunnar, Further studies on the epiphytic vegetation on twigs. 1978. 58 p. ISBN 91-7346-052-4 paper 80.00
  2. Edsbagge, Hans, Zur Ökologie der marinen angehefteten Diatomeen. 1968. 153 p., 7 plates. paper 100.00
  3. Wendelbo, Per, Trekk av Afghanistans plantegeografi. 1966. 20 p. paper 60.00
  4. Jaasund, Erik, Aspects of the marine algal vegetation of North Norway. 1965. 174 p. paper 100.00
  5. Proceedings of the Fifth marine biological symposium, Marine botanical institute, Göteborg, September 9-13, 1964. Main topic: The vertical and horizontal distribution of marine organisms. Ed. by Tore Levring. 1965. 258 p. paper 120.00
  6. Harling, Gunnar, Galápagos-öarna – ett botaniskt isolat. 1964. 20 p., 8 plates. paper 60.00
  7. Söderström, Johan, Studies in Cladophora. 1963. 147 p., 1 map. paper 95.00

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