Gothenburg Studies in English

Published by the Department of Languages and Literatures at the University of Gothenburg

ISSN: 0072-503X
Editor: Gunnar Bergh

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  1. Language, football and all that jazz. A festschrift for Sölve Ohlander. Edited by Gunnar Bergh, Rhonwen Bowen and Mats Mobärg. Göteborg 2013. 585 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-758-2 paper 280.00
  2. Forthcoming.
  3. Brown, Birgitta, Anglo-French Relations and the Acadians in Canada's Maritime Literature: Issues of Othering and Transculturation. Göteborg 2010. 147 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-675-2 paper 150.00
  4. Sylvén, Liss Kerstin, Teaching in English or English teaching? On the effects of content and language integrated learning on Swedish learners' incidental vocabulary acquisition. Göteborg 2010. 294 s. ISBN 978-91-7346-671-4 paper 189.00
  5. Corpora and Discourse - and Stuff. Papers in Honour of Karin Aijmer. Edited by Rhonwen Bowen, Mats Mobärg & Sölve Ohlander. Göteborg 2009. 360 s. ISBN 978-91-7346-669-1 paper 236.00
  6. Hellén, Anna, How to Construct a Temple. Melville and the Architecture of Romanticism. Göteborg 2009. 159 s. ISBN 978-91-7346-652-3 paper 150.00
  7. At Home in the World. Essays and Poems in Honour of Britta Olinder. Edited by Chloé Avril and Ronald Paul. Göteborg 2008. 267 s. ISBN 978-91-7346-633-2 paper 150.00
  8. Lines and traces. Papers presented to Lennart Björk on the occasion of his 70th birthday / edited by Gunilla Florby and Karin Aijmer. Göteborg 2006. 152 p. ISBN 91-7346-570-0 paper 150.00
  9. Eriksson, Andreas, Tense and Aspect in Advanced Swedish Learners' Written English. Göteborg 2008. 261p. ISBN 978-91-7346-609-7 paper 180.00
  10. Bowen, Rhonwen, Noun Complementation in English. A corpus-based study of structural types and patterns. Göteborg 2005. 270 p. ISBN 91-7346-535-6 paper 180.00
  11. New Tendencies in Translation Studies. Selected Papers from a Workshop Göteborg 12 December 2003. 2005. 104 p. ISBN 91-7346-536-4 paper 150.00
  12. Translation and Corpora. Selected Papers from the Göteborg-Oslo Symposium 18-19 October 2003 / edited by Karin Aijmer & Hilde Hasselgård. Göteborg 2004. 207 p. ISBN 91-7346-520-8 paper 150.00
  13. An International Master of Syntax and Semantics. Papers presented to Aimo Seppänen on the occation of his 75th birthday/ edited by Gunnar Bergh, Jennifer Herriman & Mats Mobärg Göteborg 2004. 261 p. ISBN 91-7346-499-6 paper 180.00
  14. Ankarsjö, Magnus, Bring Me My Arrows of Desire. Gender Utopia in Blake´s The Four Zoas. Göteborg 2004. 206 p. ISBN 91-7346-505-4 paper 180.00
  15. Sundin, Lena, Iconicity in the Writing Procecc. Virginia Woolf´s To the Lighthouse and Gerald Murnane´s Inland. Göteborg 2004. 132 p. ISBN 91-7346-500-3 paper 180.00
  16. Winnberg, Jakob, An Aesthetics of Vulnerability. The Sentimentum and the Novels of Graham Swift. Göteborg 2003. 210 p. ISBN 91-7346-479-1 paper 180.00
  17. Nordic Conference on English Studies (8 : 2001 : Göteborg) Proceedings from the 8th Nordic Conference on English Studies / edited by Karin Aijmer and Britta Olinder. 2003. 345 p. ISBN 91-7346-458-9 paper 200.00
  18. Köhlmyr, Pia, ”To Err Is Human…”, An investigation of grammatical errors in Swedish 16-year-old learners´ written production in English. 2003. 397 p. ISBN 91-7346-440-6 paper 180.00
  19. Bäckman, Sven, The Manners of Ghosts. A Study of the Supernatural in Thomas Hardy's Short Poems. 2001. 274 p. ISBN 91-7346-413-9 paper 180.00
  20. Aijmer, Karin, A Wealth of English. Studies in Honour of Göran Kjellmer. 2001. 319 p. ISBN 91-7346-398-1 paper 200.00 OUT OF PRINT
  21. Zangenehpour, Fereshteh, Sufism and the Quest for Spiritual Fulfilment in D. H. Lawrence's The Rainbow. 2000. 241 p. ISBN 91-7346-380-9 paper 180.00
  22. Persson, Åke, Betraying the Age, Social and Artistic Protest in Brendan Kennelly's Work. 2000. 287 p. ISBN 91-7346-381-7 paper 180.00
  23. Cronquist, Ulf, Erotographic Metafiction: Aesthetic Strategies and Ethical Statements in John Hawkes's 'Sex Trilogy'. 2000. 223 p. ISBN 91-7346-375-2 paper 180.00
  24. Nordlund, Marcus, The Dark Lantern, A Historical Study of Sight in Shakespeare, Webster, and Middleton. Göteborg 1999. 533 p. ISBN 91-7346-371-X paper 200.00
  25. Räisänen, Christine, The Conference Forum as a System of Genres. A Sociocultural Study of Academic Conference Practices in Automotive Crash-Safety Engineering. 1999. 310 p.ISBN 91-7346-366-3 paper 180.00
  26. Werner, Hans C., Literary Texts As Nonlinear Patterns. A Chaotics Reading of Rainforest, Transparent Things, Travesty, and Tristram Shandy. 1999. 182 p. ISBN 91-7346-343-4 paper 150.00
  27. Ardholm, Helena M., The Emblem and the Emblematic Habit of Mind in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. Göteborg 1999. 166 p. ISBN 91-7346-342-6 paper 150.00
  28. Lundén, Bo, (Re)educating the Reader: Fictional Critiques of Poststructuralism in Banville's Dr Copernicus, Coetzee's Foe, and Byatt's Possession. Göteborg 1999. 144 p. ISBN 91-7346-341-8 paper 150
  29. After Consensus. Critical Challenge and Social Change in America. Edited by Hans Löfgren and Alan Shima. 1998. 224 p. ISBN 91-7346-335-3 paper 180.00
  30. Dickson, David, The Utterance of America. Emersonian Newness in Dos Passos' U.S.A. and Pynchon's Vineland. 1998. 215 p. ISBN 91-7346-330-2 paper 180.00
  31. Svensson, Ann-Marie, Middle English Words for "Town". A Study of Changes in a Semantic Field. 1997. 220 p. ISBN 91-7346-314-0 paper 180.00 OUT OF PRINT
  32. Granath, Solveig, Verb Complementation in English. Omission off Prepositions before THAT-clauses and TO-infinitives. 1997. 239 p. ISBN 91-7346-313-2 paper 180.00
  33. Egerer, Claudia, Fictions of (In) Betweeness. 1997. 199 p. ISBN 91-7346-305- 1 paper 180.00
  34. Nordius, Janina, "I Am Myself Alone" Solitude and Transcendence in John Cowper Powys.1997. 243 p. ISBN 91-7346-304-3 paper 180.00
  35. Herriman, Jennifer, The Indirect Object in Present-Day English.1995. 292 p. ISBN 91-7346-277-2 paper 200.00
  36. Wennö, Elisabeth: Ironic Formula in the Novels of Beryl Bainbridge. 1993. 196 p. ISBN 91-7346-261-6 paper 170.00 OUT OF PRINT
  37. Alm-Arvius, Christina, The English Verb See: A Study in Multiple Meaning. 1993. 390 p. ISBN 91-7346-258-6 paper 210.00
  38. Krantz, Gösta, Learning vocabulary in a foreign language. A study of reading strategies. 1991. 171 p. ISBN 91-7346-237-3 paper 170.00 OUT OF PRINT
  39. Mobärg, Mats, English ”Standard” Pronunciations: A Study of Attitudes. 1989. 380 p. ISBN 91-7346-214-4 paper 210.00
  40. Bergh, Gunnar, The neuropsychological status of Swedish-English subsidiary bilinguals. 1986. 226 p. ISBN 91-7346-171-7 paper 150.00
  41. Papers on language and literature, presented to Alvar Ellegård and Erik Frykman. Ed. by Sven Bäckman and Göran Kjellmer. 1985. 399 p. ISBN 91-7346-155-5 paper 180.00
  42. Dantanus, Ulf, Brian Friel: The growth of an Irish dramatist. 1985. 235 p. ISBN 91-7346-143-1 paper 140.00 OUT OF PRINT
  43. Barber, Charles, The theme of honour’s tongue. A study of social attitudes in the English drama from Shakespeare to Dryden. 1985. 171 p. ISBN 91-7346-138-5 paper 130.00
  44. Norman, Torborg, Isolation and contact. A study of character relationships in Joyce Carol Oates’s short stories 1963-1980. 1984. 261 p. ISBN 91-7346-136-9 paper 135.00
  45. Warren, Beatrice, Classifying adjectives. 1984. 318 p. ISBN 91-7346-133-4 OUT OF PRINT
  46. Riddle, M. M. Gina, Herman Melville’s ”Piazza Tales”. 1985. 250 p. ISBN 91-7346-125-3 paper 140.00
  47. Knowles, Thomas D., Ideology, art and commerce. Aspects of literary sociology in the late Victorian Scottish Kailyard. 1983. 278 p. ISBN 91-7346-124-5 paper 130.00 OUT OF PRINT
  48. Berg, Mari-Ann, Aspects of time, ageing and old age in the novels of Patrick White, 1939-1979. 1983. 203 p. ISBN 91-7346-123-7 paper 120.00
  49. Isitt, David, Crazic, menty and idiotal. An inquiry into the use of suffixes –al, –ic, –ly and –y in modern English. 1983. 309 p. ISBN 91-7346-122-9 paper 150.00
  50. Paul, Ronald, ”Fire in our hearts.” A study of the portrayal of youth in a selection of Post-War British working-class fiction. 1982. 225 p. ISBN 91-7346-110-5 paper 130.00
  51. 50. Olofsson, Arne, Relative junctions in written American English. 1981. 159 p. ISBN 91-7346-104-0 OUT OF PRINT
  52. Lohmander, Ingegerd, Old and Middle English words for ’Disgrace’ and ’Dishonour’. 1981. 228 p. ISBN 91-7346-100-8 paper 130.00
  53. Lauritzen, Monica, Jane Austen’s Emma on television. A study of a BBC classic serial. 1981. 193 p. ISBN 91-7346-091-5 paper 130.00
  54. Holmquist, Ingrid, From society to nature. A study of Doris Lessing’s Children of violence. 1980. 219 p. ISBN 91-7346-083-4 paper 135.00
  55. Ljung, Magnus, Reflections on the English progressive. 1980. 166 p. ISBN 91-7346-080-X paper 125.00
  56. Bergmann, Helena, Between obedience and freedom. Woman’s role in the mid-nineteenth century industrial novel. 1979. 169 p. ISBN 91-7346-065-6 paper 125.00
  57. Johansson, Stig, Studies of error gravity. Native reactions to errors produced by Swedish learners of English. 1978. 138 p. ISBN 91-7346-054-0 paper 120.00
  58. Ellegård, Alvar, The syntactic structure of English texts. A computer-based study of four kinds of text in the Brown University corpus. 1978. 113 p. ISBN 91-7346-051-6 paper 115.00
  59. Johansson, Stig, Some aspects of the vocabulary of learned and scientific English. 1978. 57 p. ISBN 91-7346-050-8 paper 90.00
  60. Warren, Beatrice, Semantic patterns of noun-noun compounds. 1978. 266 p. ISBN 91-7346-048-6 paper 130.00 OUT OF PRINT
  61. Olsson, Margareta, Intelligibility. An evaluation of some features of English produced by Swedish 14-year-olds. 1977. 260 p. ISBN 91-7346-045-1 paper 130.00
  62. Lindström, Olof, Aspects of English intonation. 1978. 260 p. ISBN 91-7346-039-7 paper 130.00
  63. Friberg, Ingegerd, Moving inward. A study of Robert Bly’s poetry. 1977. 225 p. ISBN 91-7346-033-8 paper 135.00
  64. Stålhammar, Mall Mölder, Imagery in Golding’s The Spire. 1977. 140 p. ISBN 91-7346-030-3 paper 120.00
  65. Söderskog, Ingvar, Joyce Cary’s ”Hard conceptual labour”. A structural analysis of To be a pilgrim. 1977. 180 p. ISBN 91-7346-032-X paper 125.00
  66. Frykman, Erik, ”Unemphatic marvels”. A study of Norman MacCaig’s poetry. 1977. 70 p. ISBN 91-7346-031-1 paper 105.00
  67. Chesnutt, Margaret, Studies in the short stories of William Carleton. 1976. 213 p. ISBN 91-7346-027-3 paper 135.00
  68. Ohlander, Sölve, Phonology, meaning, morphology. On the role of semantic and morphological criteria in phonological analysis. 1976. 221 p. ISBN 91-7346-075-3 paper 135.00
  69. Möller, Karin, The theme of identity in the essays of James Baldwin. An interpretation. 1975. 196 p. ISBN 91-7346-008-7 paper 130.00
  70. Wikborg, Eleanor, Carson McCullers’ The member of the wedding. Aspects of structure and style. 1975. 208 p. ISBN 91-7346-005-2 paper 130.00
  71. Kjellmer, Göran, Did the ”Pearl poet” write Pearl? 1975. 105 p. ISBN 91-7346-006-0 paper 110.00
  72. The Literary Notes of Thomas Hardy. Ed. by Lennart A. Björk. Vol 1. (2 parts: Text and Notes). 1vi + 479 p. 1974. ISBN 91-7346-002-8 cloth 220.00
  73. Behre, Frank, Get, come and go. Some aspects of situational grammar. A study based on a corpus drawn from Agatha Cristie’s writings. 1973. 173 p. paper 125.00
  74. Kjellmer, Göran, Middle English words for ’people’. 1973. 307 p. paper 150.00
  75. Elek, Tibor von, & Oskarsson, Mats, Teaching foreign language grammar to adults. A comparative study. 1973. 242 p. paper 130.00
  76. Melander, Ingrid, The poetry of Sylvia Plath. A study of themes.1972. 119 p. paper 115.00
  77. Ohlander, Urban, A Middle English metrical paraphrase of the Old Testament. V. Glossary. 1972. 116 p. paper 105.00
  78. Mannheimer, Monica, The generations in Meredith’s novels. 1972. 199 p. paper 120.00
  79. Kjellmer, Göran, Context and meaning. A study of distributional and semantic relations in a group of Middle English words. 1971. 201 p. paper 120.00
  80. Ljung, Magnus, English denominal adjectives. A generative study of a group of high-frequency denominal adjectives in English. 1970. 249 p. paper 130.00
  81. Svartvik, Jan, The Evans statements. A case for forensic linguistics. l968. 46 p. paper 80.00
  82. Behre, Frank, Studies in Agatha Christie’s writings. The behaviour of a good (great) deal, a lot, lots, much, plenty, many, a good (great) many. 1967. 203 p. paper 120.00 cloth 135.00
  83. Frykman, Erik, ”Bitter knowledge” and ”unconquerable hope”. A thematic study of attitudes towards life in Matthew Arnold’s poetry 1849-1853. 1966. 75 p. paper 105.00
  84. Frykman, Erik, W.E. Aytoun, pioneer professor of English at Edinburgh. A study of his literary opinions and his contribution to the development of English as an academic discipline. 1963. 139 p. paper 115.00 cloth 130.00
  85. Ohlander, Urban, (ed.), A Middle English metrical paraphrase of the Old Testament. IV. 1963. 128 p. paper 105.00
  86. Ellegård, Alvar, English, Latin, and morphemic analysis. 1963. 20 p. paper 70.00
  87. Contributions to English syntax and philology. By C.L. Barber, Frank Behre, Urban Ohlander, Yngve Olsson, Svante Stubelius, Johannes Söderlind, R.W. Zandvoort. 1962. 223 p. paper 120.00
  88. Ellegård, Alvar, A statistical method for determining authorship. The Junius letters, 1769-1772. 1962. 115, (47) p. paper 110.00
  89. Olsson, Yngve, On the syntax of the English verb with special reference to have a look and similar complex structures. 1961. 246 p. Out of print
  90. Ohlander, Urban, (ed.), A Middle English metrical paraphrase of the Old Testament. III. 1960. 131 p. (Only available as Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 66:7.) paper 105.00 OUT OF PRINT
  91. Behre, Frank, Papers on English vocabulary and syntax. Edited on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. 1961. XVI, 170 p. Out of print
  92. Stubelius, Svante, Balloon, flying-machine, helicopter. Further studies in the history of terms for aircraft in English. 1960. 396 p. (Also available as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 66:5.) paper 180.00
  93. Ellegård, Alvar, Darwin and the general reader. The reception of theory of evolution in the British periodical press,1859-1872. 1958. 394 p. paper 180.00
  94. Stubelius, Svante, Airship, aeroplane, aircraft. Studies in the history of terms for aircraft in English. 1958. x, 342 p. Out of print
  95. Barber, C.L., The idea of honour in the English drama 1591-1700. 1957. 362 p. out of print
  96. Ohlander, Urban, (ed.), A Middle English metrical paraphrase of the Old Testament. II. 1955. 111 p. (Also available as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 61:2.) paper 100.00
  97. Behre, Frank, Meditative-polemic should in modern English that-clauses. 1955. 183 p. paper 110.00 OUT OF PRINT
  98. Karlberg, Göran, The English interrogative pronouns. A study of their syntactic history. 1954. 353 p. out of print OUT OF PRINT
  99. Ellegård, Alvar, The auxiliary do. The establishment and regulation of its use in English. 1953. 320 p. out of print OUT OF PRINT
  100. Rudskoger, Arne, Fair, foul, nice, proper. A contribution to the study of polysemy. 1952. 505 p. out of print

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