Gothenburg Studies in English
Published by the Department of Languages and Literatures at the University of Gothenburg
ISSN: 0072-503X
Editor: Gunnar Bergh
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- Language, football and all that jazz. A festschrift for Sölve Ohlander. Edited by Gunnar Bergh, Rhonwen Bowen and Mats Mobärg. Göteborg 2013. 585 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-758-2 paper 280.00
- Forthcoming.
- Brown, Birgitta, Anglo-French Relations and the Acadians in Canada's Maritime Literature: Issues of Othering and Transculturation. Göteborg 2010. 147 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-675-2 paper 150.00
- Sylvén, Liss Kerstin, Teaching in English or English teaching? On the effects of content and language integrated learning on Swedish learners' incidental vocabulary acquisition. Göteborg 2010. 294 s. ISBN 978-91-7346-671-4 paper 189.00
- Corpora and Discourse - and Stuff. Papers in Honour of Karin Aijmer. Edited by Rhonwen Bowen, Mats Mobärg & Sölve Ohlander. Göteborg 2009. 360 s. ISBN 978-91-7346-669-1 paper 236.00
- Hellén, Anna, How to Construct a Temple. Melville and the Architecture of Romanticism. Göteborg 2009. 159 s. ISBN 978-91-7346-652-3 paper 150.00
- At Home in the World. Essays and Poems in Honour of Britta Olinder. Edited by Chloé Avril and Ronald Paul. Göteborg 2008. 267 s. ISBN 978-91-7346-633-2 paper 150.00
- Lines and traces. Papers presented to Lennart Björk on the occasion of his 70th birthday / edited by Gunilla Florby and Karin Aijmer. Göteborg 2006. 152 p. ISBN 91-7346-570-0 paper 150.00
- Eriksson, Andreas, Tense and Aspect in Advanced Swedish Learners' Written English. Göteborg 2008. 261p. ISBN 978-91-7346-609-7 paper 180.00
- Bowen, Rhonwen, Noun Complementation in English. A corpus-based study of structural types and patterns. Göteborg 2005. 270 p. ISBN 91-7346-535-6 paper 180.00
- New Tendencies in Translation Studies. Selected Papers from a Workshop Göteborg 12 December 2003. 2005. 104 p. ISBN 91-7346-536-4 paper 150.00
- Translation and Corpora. Selected Papers from the Göteborg-Oslo Symposium 18-19 October 2003 / edited by Karin Aijmer & Hilde Hasselgård. Göteborg 2004. 207 p. ISBN 91-7346-520-8 paper 150.00
- An International Master of Syntax and Semantics. Papers presented to Aimo Seppänen on the occation of his 75th birthday/ edited by Gunnar Bergh, Jennifer Herriman & Mats Mobärg Göteborg 2004. 261 p. ISBN 91-7346-499-6 paper 180.00
- Ankarsjö, Magnus, Bring Me My Arrows of Desire. Gender Utopia in Blake´s The Four Zoas. Göteborg 2004. 206 p. ISBN 91-7346-505-4 paper 180.00
- Sundin, Lena, Iconicity in the Writing Procecc. Virginia Woolf´s To the Lighthouse and Gerald Murnane´s Inland. Göteborg 2004. 132 p. ISBN 91-7346-500-3 paper 180.00
- Winnberg, Jakob, An Aesthetics of Vulnerability. The Sentimentum and the Novels of Graham Swift. Göteborg 2003. 210 p. ISBN 91-7346-479-1 paper 180.00
- Nordic Conference on English Studies (8 : 2001 : Göteborg) Proceedings from the 8th Nordic Conference on English Studies / edited by Karin Aijmer and Britta Olinder. 2003. 345 p. ISBN 91-7346-458-9 paper 200.00
- Köhlmyr, Pia, ”To Err Is Human…”, An investigation of grammatical errors in Swedish 16-year-old learners´ written production in English. 2003. 397 p. ISBN 91-7346-440-6 paper 180.00
- Bäckman, Sven, The Manners of Ghosts. A Study of the Supernatural in Thomas Hardy's Short Poems. 2001. 274 p. ISBN 91-7346-413-9 paper 180.00
- Aijmer, Karin, A Wealth of English. Studies in Honour of Göran Kjellmer. 2001. 319 p. ISBN 91-7346-398-1 paper 200.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Zangenehpour, Fereshteh, Sufism and the Quest for Spiritual Fulfilment in D. H. Lawrence's The Rainbow. 2000. 241 p. ISBN 91-7346-380-9 paper 180.00
- Persson, Åke, Betraying the Age, Social and Artistic Protest in Brendan Kennelly's Work. 2000. 287 p. ISBN 91-7346-381-7 paper 180.00
- Cronquist, Ulf, Erotographic Metafiction: Aesthetic Strategies and Ethical Statements in John Hawkes's 'Sex Trilogy'. 2000. 223 p. ISBN 91-7346-375-2 paper 180.00
- Nordlund, Marcus, The Dark Lantern, A Historical Study of Sight in Shakespeare, Webster, and Middleton. Göteborg 1999. 533 p. ISBN 91-7346-371-X paper 200.00
- Räisänen, Christine, The Conference Forum as a System of Genres. A Sociocultural Study of Academic Conference Practices in Automotive Crash-Safety Engineering. 1999. 310 p.ISBN 91-7346-366-3 paper 180.00
- Werner, Hans C., Literary Texts As Nonlinear Patterns. A Chaotics Reading of Rainforest, Transparent Things, Travesty, and Tristram Shandy. 1999. 182 p. ISBN 91-7346-343-4 paper 150.00
- Ardholm, Helena M., The Emblem and the Emblematic Habit of Mind in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. Göteborg 1999. 166 p. ISBN 91-7346-342-6 paper 150.00
- Lundén, Bo, (Re)educating the Reader: Fictional Critiques of Poststructuralism in Banville's Dr Copernicus, Coetzee's Foe, and Byatt's Possession. Göteborg 1999. 144 p. ISBN 91-7346-341-8 paper 150
- After Consensus. Critical Challenge and Social Change in America. Edited by Hans Löfgren and Alan Shima. 1998. 224 p. ISBN 91-7346-335-3 paper 180.00
- Dickson, David, The Utterance of America. Emersonian Newness in Dos Passos' U.S.A. and Pynchon's Vineland. 1998. 215 p. ISBN 91-7346-330-2 paper 180.00
- Svensson, Ann-Marie, Middle English Words for "Town". A Study of Changes in a Semantic Field. 1997. 220 p. ISBN 91-7346-314-0 paper 180.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Granath, Solveig, Verb Complementation in English. Omission off Prepositions before THAT-clauses and TO-infinitives. 1997. 239 p. ISBN 91-7346-313-2 paper 180.00
- Egerer, Claudia, Fictions of (In) Betweeness. 1997. 199 p. ISBN 91-7346-305- 1 paper 180.00
- Nordius, Janina, "I Am Myself Alone" Solitude and Transcendence in John Cowper Powys.1997. 243 p. ISBN 91-7346-304-3 paper 180.00
- Herriman, Jennifer, The Indirect Object in Present-Day English.1995. 292 p. ISBN 91-7346-277-2 paper 200.00
- Wennö, Elisabeth: Ironic Formula in the Novels of Beryl Bainbridge. 1993. 196 p. ISBN 91-7346-261-6 paper 170.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Alm-Arvius, Christina, The English Verb See: A Study in Multiple Meaning. 1993. 390 p. ISBN 91-7346-258-6 paper 210.00
- Krantz, Gösta, Learning vocabulary in a foreign language. A study of reading strategies. 1991. 171 p. ISBN 91-7346-237-3 paper 170.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Mobärg, Mats, English ”Standard” Pronunciations: A Study of Attitudes. 1989. 380 p. ISBN 91-7346-214-4 paper 210.00
- Bergh, Gunnar, The neuropsychological status of Swedish-English subsidiary bilinguals. 1986. 226 p. ISBN 91-7346-171-7 paper 150.00
- Papers on language and literature, presented to Alvar Ellegård and Erik Frykman. Ed. by Sven Bäckman and Göran Kjellmer. 1985. 399 p. ISBN 91-7346-155-5 paper 180.00
- Dantanus, Ulf, Brian Friel: The growth of an Irish dramatist. 1985. 235 p. ISBN 91-7346-143-1 paper 140.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Barber, Charles, The theme of honour’s tongue. A study of social attitudes in the English drama from Shakespeare to Dryden. 1985. 171 p. ISBN 91-7346-138-5 paper 130.00
- Norman, Torborg, Isolation and contact. A study of character relationships in Joyce Carol Oates’s short stories 1963-1980. 1984. 261 p. ISBN 91-7346-136-9 paper 135.00
- Warren, Beatrice, Classifying adjectives. 1984. 318 p. ISBN 91-7346-133-4 OUT OF PRINT
- Riddle, M. M. Gina, Herman Melville’s ”Piazza Tales”. 1985. 250 p. ISBN 91-7346-125-3 paper 140.00
- Knowles, Thomas D., Ideology, art and commerce. Aspects of literary sociology in the late Victorian Scottish Kailyard. 1983. 278 p. ISBN 91-7346-124-5 paper 130.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Berg, Mari-Ann, Aspects of time, ageing and old age in the novels of Patrick White, 1939-1979. 1983. 203 p. ISBN 91-7346-123-7 paper 120.00
- Isitt, David, Crazic, menty and idiotal. An inquiry into the use of suffixes –al, –ic, –ly and –y in modern English. 1983. 309 p. ISBN 91-7346-122-9 paper 150.00
- Paul, Ronald, ”Fire in our hearts.” A study of the portrayal of youth in a selection of Post-War British working-class fiction. 1982. 225 p. ISBN 91-7346-110-5 paper 130.00
- 50. Olofsson, Arne, Relative junctions in written American English. 1981. 159 p. ISBN 91-7346-104-0 OUT OF PRINT
- Lohmander, Ingegerd, Old and Middle English words for ’Disgrace’ and ’Dishonour’. 1981. 228 p. ISBN 91-7346-100-8 paper 130.00
- Lauritzen, Monica, Jane Austen’s Emma on television. A study of a BBC classic serial. 1981. 193 p. ISBN 91-7346-091-5 paper 130.00
- Holmquist, Ingrid, From society to nature. A study of Doris Lessing’s Children of violence. 1980. 219 p. ISBN 91-7346-083-4 paper 135.00
- Ljung, Magnus, Reflections on the English progressive. 1980. 166 p. ISBN 91-7346-080-X paper 125.00
- Bergmann, Helena, Between obedience and freedom. Woman’s role in the mid-nineteenth century industrial novel. 1979. 169 p. ISBN 91-7346-065-6 paper 125.00
- Johansson, Stig, Studies of error gravity. Native reactions to errors produced by Swedish learners of English. 1978. 138 p. ISBN 91-7346-054-0 paper 120.00
- Ellegård, Alvar, The syntactic structure of English texts. A computer-based study of four kinds of text in the Brown University corpus. 1978. 113 p. ISBN 91-7346-051-6 paper 115.00
- Johansson, Stig, Some aspects of the vocabulary of learned and scientific English. 1978. 57 p. ISBN 91-7346-050-8 paper 90.00
- Warren, Beatrice, Semantic patterns of noun-noun compounds. 1978. 266 p. ISBN 91-7346-048-6 paper 130.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Olsson, Margareta, Intelligibility. An evaluation of some features of English produced by Swedish 14-year-olds. 1977. 260 p. ISBN 91-7346-045-1 paper 130.00
- Lindström, Olof, Aspects of English intonation. 1978. 260 p. ISBN 91-7346-039-7 paper 130.00
- Friberg, Ingegerd, Moving inward. A study of Robert Bly’s poetry. 1977. 225 p. ISBN 91-7346-033-8 paper 135.00
- Stålhammar, Mall Mölder, Imagery in Golding’s The Spire. 1977. 140 p. ISBN 91-7346-030-3 paper 120.00
- Söderskog, Ingvar, Joyce Cary’s ”Hard conceptual labour”. A structural analysis of To be a pilgrim. 1977. 180 p. ISBN 91-7346-032-X paper 125.00
- Frykman, Erik, ”Unemphatic marvels”. A study of Norman MacCaig’s poetry. 1977. 70 p. ISBN 91-7346-031-1 paper 105.00
- Chesnutt, Margaret, Studies in the short stories of William Carleton. 1976. 213 p. ISBN 91-7346-027-3 paper 135.00
- Ohlander, Sölve, Phonology, meaning, morphology. On the role of semantic and morphological criteria in phonological analysis. 1976. 221 p. ISBN 91-7346-075-3 paper 135.00
- Möller, Karin, The theme of identity in the essays of James Baldwin. An interpretation. 1975. 196 p. ISBN 91-7346-008-7 paper 130.00
- Wikborg, Eleanor, Carson McCullers’ The member of the wedding. Aspects of structure and style. 1975. 208 p. ISBN 91-7346-005-2 paper 130.00
- Kjellmer, Göran, Did the ”Pearl poet” write Pearl? 1975. 105 p. ISBN 91-7346-006-0 paper 110.00
- The Literary Notes of Thomas Hardy. Ed. by Lennart A. Björk. Vol 1. (2 parts: Text and Notes). 1vi + 479 p. 1974. ISBN 91-7346-002-8 cloth 220.00
- Behre, Frank, Get, come and go. Some aspects of situational grammar. A study based on a corpus drawn from Agatha Cristie’s writings. 1973. 173 p. paper 125.00
- Kjellmer, Göran, Middle English words for ’people’. 1973. 307 p. paper 150.00
- Elek, Tibor von, & Oskarsson, Mats, Teaching foreign language grammar to adults. A comparative study. 1973. 242 p. paper 130.00
- Melander, Ingrid, The poetry of Sylvia Plath. A study of themes.1972. 119 p. paper 115.00
- Ohlander, Urban, A Middle English metrical paraphrase of the Old Testament. V. Glossary. 1972. 116 p. paper 105.00
- Mannheimer, Monica, The generations in Meredith’s novels. 1972. 199 p. paper 120.00
- Kjellmer, Göran, Context and meaning. A study of distributional and semantic relations in a group of Middle English words. 1971. 201 p. paper 120.00
- Ljung, Magnus, English denominal adjectives. A generative study of a group of high-frequency denominal adjectives in English. 1970. 249 p. paper 130.00
- Svartvik, Jan, The Evans statements. A case for forensic linguistics. l968. 46 p. paper 80.00
- Behre, Frank, Studies in Agatha Christie’s writings. The behaviour of a good (great) deal, a lot, lots, much, plenty, many, a good (great) many. 1967. 203 p. paper 120.00 cloth 135.00
- Frykman, Erik, ”Bitter knowledge” and ”unconquerable hope”. A thematic study of attitudes towards life in Matthew Arnold’s poetry 1849-1853. 1966. 75 p. paper 105.00
- Frykman, Erik, W.E. Aytoun, pioneer professor of English at Edinburgh. A study of his literary opinions and his contribution to the development of English as an academic discipline. 1963. 139 p. paper 115.00 cloth 130.00
- Ohlander, Urban, (ed.), A Middle English metrical paraphrase of the Old Testament. IV. 1963. 128 p. paper 105.00
- Ellegård, Alvar, English, Latin, and morphemic analysis. 1963. 20 p. paper 70.00
- Contributions to English syntax and philology. By C.L. Barber, Frank Behre, Urban Ohlander, Yngve Olsson, Svante Stubelius, Johannes Söderlind, R.W. Zandvoort. 1962. 223 p. paper 120.00
- Ellegård, Alvar, A statistical method for determining authorship. The Junius letters, 1769-1772. 1962. 115, (47) p. paper 110.00
- Olsson, Yngve, On the syntax of the English verb with special reference to have a look and similar complex structures. 1961. 246 p. Out of print
- Ohlander, Urban, (ed.), A Middle English metrical paraphrase of the Old Testament. III. 1960. 131 p. (Only available as Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 66:7.) paper 105.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Behre, Frank, Papers on English vocabulary and syntax. Edited on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. 1961. XVI, 170 p. Out of print
- Stubelius, Svante, Balloon, flying-machine, helicopter. Further studies in the history of terms for aircraft in English. 1960. 396 p. (Also available as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 66:5.) paper 180.00
- Ellegård, Alvar, Darwin and the general reader. The reception of theory of evolution in the British periodical press,1859-1872. 1958. 394 p. paper 180.00
- Stubelius, Svante, Airship, aeroplane, aircraft. Studies in the history of terms for aircraft in English. 1958. x, 342 p. Out of print
- Barber, C.L., The idea of honour in the English drama 1591-1700. 1957. 362 p. out of print
- Ohlander, Urban, (ed.), A Middle English metrical paraphrase of the Old Testament. II. 1955. 111 p. (Also available as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 61:2.) paper 100.00
- Behre, Frank, Meditative-polemic should in modern English that-clauses. 1955. 183 p. paper 110.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Karlberg, Göran, The English interrogative pronouns. A study of their syntactic history. 1954. 353 p. out of print OUT OF PRINT
- Ellegård, Alvar, The auxiliary do. The establishment and regulation of its use in English. 1953. 320 p. out of print OUT OF PRINT
- Rudskoger, Arne, Fair, foul, nice, proper. A contribution to the study of polysemy. 1952. 505 p. out of print