Division for music and drama

Since summer 2022, the Humanities Library has a new division for music and drama. The division accommodates a large collection of sheet music, music literature, manuscripts, and study spaces in connection with the collections.

Musik och dramatiks nya lokaler

The new division has been established because the Library for Music and Drama, which was previously located in the Artisten building, has been evacuated ahead of the construction of a new building for the Faculty of Arts.

Opening hours for information desk and telephone

The division's information desk are staffed during weekdays. Please note that the division's collections and study spaces have the same opening hours as the Humanities library.

Regular staffing

Day Time
Monday – Friday 10:00 – 15:00

Other staffing

Day Difference
Thursday 17 April Unstaffed
Wednesday 30 April Unstaffed

Piano room

The division for music and drama has a room with a digital piano. You can book the room two hours per day and 14 days in advance. Headphones can be borrowed at the divisions's information desk or at the information desk by the entrance of the Humanities Library.

Book the piano room

Contact the division

Please contact us if your have questions about music or drama.

  • Telefon: 031-786 40 60

    Describe your question