Librarian's tip: Suggest a purchase of new material
The University Library welcomes purchase suggestions. The purchase suggestions are an important complement to the library's own subject coverage.
Suggest a purchase
Use our form to suggest a purchase of the material you need. Before submitting a suggestion, please use Supersearch to make sure the library does not already have the material.
This happens when you submit a suggestion
You receive a confirmation of your purchase suggestion. Later, we will inform you whether or not the library will purchase the material. Finally, you will be notified when you get access to the material.
How the library selects what to purchase
We buy titles that researchers, teachers and students at the University of Gothenburg request for scientific purposes. Our goal for the library collections is to support research at the University of Gothenburg.
The number of textbooks available is based on the number of students attending each course. Reference copies of textbooks that can be read in the library are purchased as well, and if possible the book is also purchased as an e-book.