Photo exhibition on rare diseases at Biomedical Library

22 February 2024

In order to draw attention to Rare Disease Day, you can view the exhibition Project Minea, where photographer Julia Staf exhibits seven images of children with various rare diagnoses. The exhibition runs between 26 February and 1 March.

På ljusblå bakgrund syns tre ritade händer i färgerna grön, rosa och blå som tillsammans bilder fler färger när de korsas.

The aim of the exhibition is to highlight children with rare diagnoses to increase the understanding. Julia Staf photographed the same children seven years ago and has now taken new pictures to show how they look today.

This year the Rare Disease Day falls on leap day on 29 February. The exhibition is organized by the Gothenburg University Library in collaboration with the Centrum för sällsynta diagnoser Väst.

More information can be found in the calendar on the University of Gothenburg's website.