The Social Sciences Library has relocated

20 December 2021

Due to the construction of the West link, the Social Sciences Library has been relocated to Föreningsgatan 20, in the same block as the University of Gothenburg's large examination hall.

Welcome to Föreningsgatan 20

The library is located at the new premises until the autumn of 2024. It is a short walk of 600 meters to Föreningsgatan 20 from Vasagatan 2A.

The ambition is to have the same range of services, but due to the conditions of the evacuation facility, this means downsizing the service in several areas. In short, the move means:

  • Fewer study places, but all types of study places are available (quiet reading room, group rooms et cetera).
  • Reduced opening hours at the Social Sciences Library, but the opening hours of the Economics Library increase.
  • Everything in the collections is moved to the new location, except old printed newspapers and microfilms.

About the service and opening hours of the Social Sciences Library

The new location of the Social Sciences Library