Doctoral theses
A doctoral thesis or dissertation is the final result of a doctoral student's study period. You will find doctoral theses in Supersearch, Swepub, Libris or WorldCat.
Finding doctoral theses at the Library
Use Supersearch to find doctoral theses at Gothenburg University Library. Do a title or subject search and limit your search to Dissertations under publication type.
Doctoral theses from the University of Gothenburg
Use the publication database Gupea if you only want to find doctoral theses from the University of Gothenburg. In Gupea you can limit your search by faculty and department.
Doctoral theses from other universities
If you can not find what you are looking for in Supersearch, you can find more doctoral theses in national and international search engines. The national search engines Libris and Swepub both provide access to freely available doctoral theses in full text, as well as references to printed doctoral theses held by different libraries in Sweden. Limit your search under publication or material type.
To find doctoral theses outside of the Swedish search engines, you can use the international library catalogue WorldCat. In WorldCat you will find full text links or references to printed doctoral theses held by libraries all over the world.
If you can't find what you need
If you need a doctoral thesis that the University Library does not have access to, you can place an order for an interlibrary loan.
Contact us about doctoral theses
Contact us if you have questions about finding or accessing doctoral theses or if you need search help.