Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia
Published by the Department of Languages and Literatures at the University of Gothenburg
ISSN: 0081-6450
Editors: Karin Hult, Erik Bohlin
Founded by Ingemar Düring and Harald Hagendahl
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- Lundahl, Kalle, Les banquets et l´ambiguïté : autour de la première Olympique de Pindare. Göteborg 2019. 246 p. ISBN 978-91-7963-004-1 (print) ISBN 978-91-7963-005-8 (pdf) paper 250.00
- Wahlgren, Staffan, Theodore Metochites´Sententious Notes Semeioseis Gnomikai 61-70 & 72-81 : a critical edition with introduction, translation, notes, and indexes. Göteborg 2019. 215 p. ISSN: 2002-2131 Kriterium (Online) paper 250.00
- Hult, Karin, Theodore Metochites on the human condition and the decline of Rome, Semeioseis gnomikai 27-60, A Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation, Notes, and Indexes. Göteborg 2016. 306 p. ISSN: 2002-2131 Kriterium (Online) paper 250.00
- Thomsen Thörnqvist, Christina, Anicii Manlii Severini Boethii Introductio Ad Syllogismos Categoricos. Critical edition with introduction, commentary, and indexes. Göteborg 2008. xlvii, 204 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-612-7 cloth 300.00
- Thomsen Thörnqvist Christina, Anicii Manlii Severini Boethii De Syllogismo Categorico. Critical edition with introduction, translation, notes, and indexes. Göteborg 2008. lxxv, 227 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-611-0 cloth 300.00
- Johansson, Mikael, Libanius' Declamations 9 and 10. Göteborg 2006. 308 p. ISBN 91-7346-560-7 paper 200,00
- Bydén, Börje, Theodore Metochites´ Stoicheiosis astronomike and The study of natural philosophy and mathematics in early palaiologan Byzantium. Göteborg 2003. 547 p. ISBN 91-7346-459-7 paper 250.00
- Hult, Karin, Theodore Metochites on ancient authors and philosophy, Semeioseis gnomikai 1-26 & 71, A Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation, Notes, and Indexes. Göteborg 2002. 360 p. ISBN 91-7346-434-1 paper 250.00
- Haverling, Gerd, On SCO-verbs, Prefixes and Semantic Functions. A Study in the Development of Prefixed and Unprefixed Verbs from Early to Late Latin. Göteborg. 2000. 533 p. ISBN 91-7346-372-8 cloth 350.00
- Sandström, Elisabet, Laurentius Valla. De reciprocatione 'sui' et 'suus'. Édition critique avec une introduction et une traduction. Göteborg. 1998. 91 p. ISBN 91-7346-326-4 paper 180.00
- Teodorsson, Sven-Tage, A Commentary on Plutarch's Table Talks. Vol. III (Books 7-9) Göteborg 1996. 426 p. ISBN 91-7346-291-8 paper 250.00 (N.B. Vol. I-III, SEK 500.00)
- Göransson, Tryggve, Albinus, Alcinous, Arius Didymus. Göteborg 1995. 257 p. ISBN 91-7346-282-9 paper 200.00
- Wahlgren, Staffan, Sprachwandel im Griechisch der frühen römischen Kaiserzeit. Göteborg 1995. 220 p. ISBN 91-7346-279-9 paper 180.00
- Ridings, Daniel, The Attic Moses: The Dependency Theme in Some Early Christian Writers. Göteborg 1995. 270 p. paper 200.00
- Wahlgren, Lena, The Letter Collections of Peter of Blois. Studies in the Manuscript Tradition. 1993. 212 p. ISBN 91-7346-266-7 paper 170.00
- Vidén, Gunhild, Women in Roman Literature. Attitudes of Authors under the Early Empire. 1993. 194 p. ISBN 91-7346-260-8 paper 160.00
- Wistrand, Magnus, Entertainment and violence in ancient Rome. The attitudes of Roman writers of the first century A.D. 1992. 133 p. ISBN 91-7346-255-1 paper 150.00
- Sylwan, Agneta, Petrus Cantor, Glossae Super Genesim. Prologus et Capitula 1-3. 1992. 1xxxviii, 104 p. ISBN 91-7346-246-2 paper 160.00
- Greek and Latin Studies in memory of Cajus Fabricius. Edited by Sven-Tage Teodorsson. 1990. 265 s. ISBN 91-4346-228-4 paper 100.00
- Teodorsson, Sven-Tage, A Commentary on Plutarch´s table talks. Vol. 2. (Books 4-6). 1990. 302 s. ISBN 91-7346-227-6 paper 250.00
- Hult, Karin, Syntactic Variation in Greek of the 5th Century A.D. 1990. 280 s. ISBN 91-7346-225-X paper 200.00
- Teodorsson, Sven-Tage, A commentary on Plutarch´ s table talks. Vol. I. (Books 1-3) 1989. 393 p. ISBN 91-7346-219-5 paper 250.00
- Fabricius, Cajus & Ridings, Daniel, A Concordance to Gregory of Nyssa. 1989. 12 s., 31 microfiche. ISBN 91-7346-216-0 paper 210.00
- Haverling, Gerd, Studies on Symmachus’ language and style. 1988. 295 p. ISBN 91-7346-208-X paper 200.00
- Wistrand, Erik, Felicitas imperatoria. 1987. 114 p. ISBN 91-7346-180-6 paper 140.00
- Fridh, Åke, Opera minora. 1985. 136 p. ISBN 91-7346-160-1 paper 130.00
- Vidén, Gunhild, The Roman Chancery tradition. Studies in the language of Codex Theodosianus and Cassiodorus’ Variae. 1984. 168 p. ISBN 91-7346-153-9 paper 135.00
- Tengström, Emin, A Latin funeral oration from early 18th century Sweden. An interpretative study. 1983. 217 p. ISBN 91-7346-120-2 paper 145.00
- Hagendahl, Harald, Von Tertullian zu Cassiodor. Die profane literarische Tradition in dem lateinischen christlichen Schrifttum. 1983. 163 p. ISBN 91-7346-116-4 paper 135.00 ISBN 91-7346-112-1 cloth 160.00
- Teodorsson, Sven-Tage, Anaxagoras’ theory of matter. 1982. 108 p. ISBN 91-7346-113-X paper 115.00 ISBN 91-7346-111-3 cloth 130.00
- Tengström, Emin, A study of Juvenal’s tenth satire. Some structural and interpretative problems. 1980. 59 p. ISBN 91-7346-089-3 paper 100.00
- Wistrand, Magnus, Cicero imperator. Studies in Cicero’s correspondence 51-47 B.C. 1979. 230 p. ISBN 91-7346-062-1 paper 145.00 ISBN 91-7346-063-X cloth 160.00
- Teodorsson, Sven-Tage, The phonology of Attic in the Hellenistic period. 1978. 125 p. ISBN 91-7346-059-1 paper 130.00 ISBN 91-7346-060-5 cloth 145.00
- Benner, Margareta, & Tengström, Emin, On the interpretation of learned Neo-Latin. An explorative study based on some texts from Sweden (1611-1716). 1977. 112 p. ISBN 91-7346-044-3 paper 120.00
- Wistrand, Erik, Miscellanea Propertiana. 1977. 83 p. ISBN 91-7346-041-9 paper 115.00
- Dahlén, Eric, Remarques syntaxiques sur certains verbes prominaux en latin et en langues romanes. 1977. 58 p. ISBN 91-7346-037-0 paper 95.00
- Teodorsson, Sven-Tage, The phonology of Ptolemaic Koine. 1977. 278 p. ISBN 91-7346-034-6 paper 165.00 ISBN 91-7346-035-4 cloth 190.00
- Fridh, Åke, L’emploi causal de la conjonction ut en latin tardif. 1977. 69 p. ISBN 91-7346-029-X paper 105.00
- Wistrand, Erik, The so-called Laudatio Turiae. Introduction, text, translation, commentary. 1976. 79 p., 7 plates. ISBN 91-7346-009-5 paper 120.00 ISBN 91-7346-020-6 cloth 135.00
- Benner, Margareta, The Emperor says. Studies in the rhetorical style in edicts of the early empire. 1975. 202 p. ISBN 91-7346-010-9 paper 130.00 ISBN 91-7346-017-6 cloth 145.00
- Teodorsson, Sven-Tage, The phonemic system of the Attic dialect 400-340 B.C. 1974. 326 p. paper 175.00
- Strand, Johnny, Notes on Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica. 1972. 138 p. paper 125.00
- Andersson, Torsten J., Polis and psyche. A motif in Plato’s Republic. 1971. 263 p. paper 150.00
- Ranstrand, Gunnar, Textkritische Beiträge zu Pomponius Mela. 1971. 46 p. paper 90.00
- Pomponius Mela, De chorographia libri tres. Una cum indice verborum edidit Gunnar Ranstrand. 1971. 122 p. paper 120.00
- Alexanderson, Bengt, Textual remarks on Ptolemy’s Harmonica and Porphyry’s Commentary. 1969. 64 p. paper 100.00
- Fridh, Åke, Le problème de la passion des saintes Perpétue et Félicité. 1968. 91 p. paper 115.00
- Alexanderson, B., Textkritischer Kommentar zum Hippokratischen Prognostikon und Bemerkungen zu Galens Prognostikonkommentar. 1968. 53 p. paper 95.00
- Wistrand, E., Sallust on judicial murders in Rome. A philological and historical study. 1968. 88 p. paper 115.00
- Alexanderson, B., Galenos Peri kriseon. Überlieferung und Text. 1967. 223 p. paper 140.00
- Wistrand, E., Arv och testamenten i romarnas sociala liv. Mit einer deutschen Zusammenfassung. 1966. 30 p. paper 80.00
- Frisk, Hj., Kleine Schriften zur Indogermanistik und zur griechischen Wortkunde. 1966. 463 p. paper 215.00 cloth 240.00
- Hagendahl, H., Augustine and the Latin classics. Vol. 1-2. 1967. 769 p. paper 340.00
- Dahlén, E., Études syntaxiques sur les pronoms réfléchis pléonastiques en latin. 1964. 206 p. paper 135.00 cloth 150.00
- Tengström, E., Donatisten und Katholiken. Soziale, wirtschaftliche und politische Aspekte einer nordafrikanischen Kirchenspaltung. 1964. 202 p. paper 135.00 cloth 150.00
- Alexanderson, B., Die hippokratische Schrift Prognostikon. Überlieferung und Text. 1963. 250 p. paper 110.00 paper 150.00 cloth 165.00
- Lunaria et zodiologia Latina. Ed. et commentario philologico instruxit Emanuel Svenberg. 1963. 125 p. paper 120.00 cloth 135.00
- Vilborg, E., Achilles Tatius, Leucippe and Clitophon. A commentary. 1962. 140 p. paper 125.00 cloth 140.00
- Tengström, E., Die Protokollierung der Collatio Carthaginensis. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der römischen Kurzschrift nebst einem Exkurs über das Wort scheda (schedula). 1962. 53 p. paper 90.00
- Klostermann, R.A., Erzbischof Basileios von Smyrna. Ein neugriechischer Prediger. 1962. 47 p. paper 85.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Düring, I., Aristotle’s Protrepticus. An attempt at reconstruction. 1961. 295 p. paper 155.00 cloth 170.00 Out of print
- Aristotle and Plato in the mid-fourth century. Papers of the Symposium Aristotelicum held at Oxford in August, 1957. Ed. by I. Düring & G.E.L. Owen. 1960. 280 p. cloth 165.00
- Breitholtz, L., Die dorische Farce im griechischen Mutterland vor dem 5. Jahrhundert. Hypothese oder Realität? 1960. 257 p., ill. (Also published as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 66:4.) cloth 160.00
- Vilborg, E., A tentative grammar of Mycenaean Greek. 1960. 169 p. (Only available as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 66:2.) Out of print
- Wistrand, E., Horace’s ninth epode and its historical background. 1958. 59 p. (Only available as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 64:9.) paper 100.00 Out of print
- Landau, O., Mykenisch-griechische Personennamen. 1958. 305 p. cloth 180.00
- Hagendahl, H., Latin fathers and the classics. A study of the apologists, Jerome and other Christian writers. 1958. 424 p. (Only available as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 64:2.) paper 200.00 Out of print
- Düring, I., Aristotle in the ancient biographical tradition. 1957. 490 p. (Also published as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 63:2.) Out of print
- Wistrand, E., Die Chronologie der Punica des Silius Italicus. Beiträge zur Interpretation der Flavischen Literatur. 1956. 63 p. (Also published as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 62:9.) paper 95.00
- Eriksson, Sven, Wochentagsgötter, Mond und Tierkreis. Laienastrologie in der römischen Kaiserzeit. 1956. 128 p. paper 125.00
- Fridh, Å. J:son, Terminologie et formules dans les Variae de Cassiodore. Études sur le développement du style administratif aux derniers siécles de l’antiquité. 1956. XII, 200 p. Out of print
- Achilles Tatius, Leucippe and Clitophon. Ed. by Ebbe Vilborg. 1955. XCII, 191 p. paper 150.00 Out of print