Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia

Published by the Department of Languages and Literatures at the University of Gothenburg

ISSN: 0081-6450
Editors: Karin Hult, Erik Bohlin
Founded by Ingemar Düring and Harald Hagendahl

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  1. Lundahl, Kalle, Les banquets et l´ambiguïté : autour de la première Olympique de Pindare. Göteborg 2019. 246 p. ISBN 978-91-7963-004-1 (print) ISBN 978-91-7963-005-8 (pdf) paper 250.00
  2. Wahlgren, Staffan, Theodore Metochites´Sententious Notes Semeioseis Gnomikai 61-70 & 72-81 : a critical edition with introduction, translation, notes, and indexes. Göteborg 2019. 215 p. ISSN: 2002-2131 Kriterium (Online) paper 250.00
  3. Hult, Karin, Theodore Metochites on the human condition and the decline of Rome, Semeioseis gnomikai 27-60, A Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation, Notes, and Indexes. Göteborg 2016. 306 p. ISSN: 2002-2131 Kriterium (Online) paper 250.00
  4. Thomsen Thörnqvist, Christina, Anicii Manlii Severini Boethii Introductio Ad Syllogismos Categoricos. Critical edition with introduction, commentary, and indexes. Göteborg 2008. xlvii, 204 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-612-7 cloth 300.00
  5. Thomsen Thörnqvist Christina, Anicii Manlii Severini Boethii De Syllogismo Categorico. Critical edition with introduction, translation, notes, and indexes. Göteborg 2008. lxxv, 227 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-611-0 cloth 300.00
  6. Johansson, Mikael, Libanius' Declamations 9 and 10. Göteborg 2006. 308 p. ISBN 91-7346-560-7 paper 200,00
  7. Bydén, Börje, Theodore Metochites´ Stoicheiosis astronomike and The study of natural philosophy and mathematics in early palaiologan Byzantium. Göteborg 2003. 547 p. ISBN 91-7346-459-7 paper 250.00
  8. Hult, Karin, Theodore Metochites on ancient authors and philosophy, Semeioseis gnomikai 1-26 & 71, A Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation, Notes, and Indexes. Göteborg 2002. 360 p. ISBN 91-7346-434-1 paper 250.00
  9. Haverling, Gerd, On SCO-verbs, Prefixes and Semantic Functions. A Study in the Development of Prefixed and Unprefixed Verbs from Early to Late Latin. Göteborg. 2000. 533 p. ISBN 91-7346-372-8 cloth 350.00
  10. Sandström, Elisabet, Laurentius Valla. De reciprocatione 'sui' et 'suus'. Édition critique avec une introduction et une traduction. Göteborg. 1998. 91 p. ISBN 91-7346-326-4 paper 180.00
  11. Teodorsson, Sven-Tage, A Commentary on Plutarch's Table Talks. Vol. III (Books 7-9) Göteborg 1996. 426 p. ISBN 91-7346-291-8 paper 250.00 (N.B. Vol. I-III, SEK 500.00)
  12. Göransson, Tryggve, Albinus, Alcinous, Arius Didymus. Göteborg 1995. 257 p. ISBN 91-7346-282-9 paper 200.00
  13. Wahlgren, Staffan, Sprachwandel im Griechisch der frühen römischen Kaiserzeit. Göteborg 1995. 220 p. ISBN 91-7346-279-9 paper 180.00
  14. Ridings, Daniel, The Attic Moses: The Dependency Theme in Some Early Christian Writers. Göteborg 1995. 270 p. paper 200.00
  15. Wahlgren, Lena, The Letter Collections of Peter of Blois. Studies in the Manuscript Tradition. 1993. 212 p. ISBN 91-7346-266-7 paper 170.00
  16. Vidén, Gunhild, Women in Roman Literature. Attitudes of Authors under the Early Empire. 1993. 194 p. ISBN 91-7346-260-8 paper 160.00
  17. Wistrand, Magnus, Entertainment and violence in ancient Rome. The attitudes of Roman writers of the first century A.D. 1992. 133 p. ISBN 91-7346-255-1 paper 150.00
  18. Sylwan, Agneta, Petrus Cantor, Glossae Super Genesim. Prologus et Capitula 1-3. 1992. 1xxxviii, 104 p. ISBN 91-7346-246-2 paper 160.00
  19. Greek and Latin Studies in memory of Cajus Fabricius. Edited by Sven-Tage Teodorsson. 1990. 265 s. ISBN 91-4346-228-4 paper 100.00
  20. Teodorsson, Sven-Tage, A Commentary on Plutarch´s table talks. Vol. 2. (Books 4-6). 1990. 302 s. ISBN 91-7346-227-6 paper 250.00
  21. Hult, Karin, Syntactic Variation in Greek of the 5th Century A.D. 1990. 280 s. ISBN 91-7346-225-X paper 200.00
  22. Teodorsson, Sven-Tage, A commentary on Plutarch´ s table talks. Vol. I. (Books 1-3) 1989. 393 p. ISBN 91-7346-219-5 paper 250.00
  23. Fabricius, Cajus & Ridings, Daniel, A Concordance to Gregory of Nyssa. 1989. 12 s., 31 microfiche. ISBN 91-7346-216-0 paper 210.00
  24. Haverling, Gerd, Studies on Symmachus’ language and style. 1988. 295 p. ISBN 91-7346-208-X paper 200.00
  25. Wistrand, Erik, Felicitas imperatoria. 1987. 114 p. ISBN 91-7346-180-6 paper 140.00
  26. Fridh, Åke, Opera minora. 1985. 136 p. ISBN 91-7346-160-1 paper 130.00
  27. Vidén, Gunhild, The Roman Chancery tradition. Studies in the language of Codex Theodosianus and Cassiodorus’ Variae. 1984. 168 p. ISBN 91-7346-153-9 paper 135.00
  28. Tengström, Emin, A Latin funeral oration from early 18th century Sweden. An interpretative study. 1983. 217 p. ISBN 91-7346-120-2 paper 145.00
  29. Hagendahl, Harald, Von Tertullian zu Cassiodor. Die profane literarische Tradition in dem lateinischen christlichen Schrifttum. 1983. 163 p. ISBN 91-7346-116-4 paper 135.00 ISBN 91-7346-112-1 cloth 160.00
  30. Teodorsson, Sven-Tage, Anaxagoras’ theory of matter. 1982. 108 p. ISBN 91-7346-113-X paper 115.00 ISBN 91-7346-111-3 cloth 130.00
  31. Tengström, Emin, A study of Juvenal’s tenth satire. Some structural and interpretative problems. 1980. 59 p. ISBN 91-7346-089-3 paper 100.00
  32. Wistrand, Magnus, Cicero imperator. Studies in Cicero’s correspondence 51-47 B.C. 1979. 230 p. ISBN 91-7346-062-1 paper 145.00 ISBN 91-7346-063-X cloth 160.00
  33. Teodorsson, Sven-Tage, The phonology of Attic in the Hellenistic period. 1978. 125 p. ISBN 91-7346-059-1 paper 130.00 ISBN 91-7346-060-5 cloth 145.00
  34. Benner, Margareta, & Tengström, Emin, On the interpretation of learned Neo-Latin. An explorative study based on some texts from Sweden (1611-1716). 1977. 112 p. ISBN 91-7346-044-3 paper 120.00
  35. Wistrand, Erik, Miscellanea Propertiana. 1977. 83 p. ISBN 91-7346-041-9 paper 115.00
  36. Dahlén, Eric, Remarques syntaxiques sur certains verbes prominaux en latin et en langues romanes. 1977. 58 p. ISBN 91-7346-037-0 paper 95.00
  37. Teodorsson, Sven-Tage, The phonology of Ptolemaic Koine. 1977. 278 p. ISBN 91-7346-034-6 paper 165.00 ISBN 91-7346-035-4 cloth 190.00
  38. Fridh, Åke, L’emploi causal de la conjonction ut en latin tardif. 1977. 69 p. ISBN 91-7346-029-X paper 105.00
  39. Wistrand, Erik, The so-called Laudatio Turiae. Introduction, text, translation, commentary. 1976. 79 p., 7 plates. ISBN 91-7346-009-5 paper 120.00 ISBN 91-7346-020-6 cloth 135.00
  40. Benner, Margareta, The Emperor says. Studies in the rhetorical style in edicts of the early empire. 1975. 202 p. ISBN 91-7346-010-9 paper 130.00 ISBN 91-7346-017-6 cloth 145.00
  41. Teodorsson, Sven-Tage, The phonemic system of the Attic dialect 400-340 B.C. 1974. 326 p. paper 175.00
  42. Strand, Johnny, Notes on Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica. 1972. 138 p. paper 125.00
  43. Andersson, Torsten J., Polis and psyche. A motif in Plato’s Republic. 1971. 263 p. paper 150.00
  44. Ranstrand, Gunnar, Textkritische Beiträge zu Pomponius Mela. 1971. 46 p. paper 90.00
  45. Pomponius Mela, De chorographia libri tres. Una cum indice verborum edidit Gunnar Ranstrand. 1971. 122 p. paper 120.00
  46. Alexanderson, Bengt, Textual remarks on Ptolemy’s Harmonica and Porphyry’s Commentary. 1969. 64 p. paper 100.00
  47. Fridh, Åke, Le problème de la passion des saintes Perpétue et Félicité. 1968. 91 p. paper 115.00
  48. Alexanderson, B., Textkritischer Kommentar zum Hippokratischen Prognostikon und Bemerkungen zu Galens Prognostikonkommentar. 1968. 53 p. paper 95.00
  49. Wistrand, E., Sallust on judicial murders in Rome. A philological and historical study. 1968. 88 p. paper 115.00
  50. Alexanderson, B., Galenos Peri kriseon. Überlieferung und Text. 1967. 223 p. paper 140.00
  51. Wistrand, E., Arv och testamenten i romarnas sociala liv. Mit einer deutschen Zusammenfassung. 1966. 30 p. paper 80.00
  52. Frisk, Hj., Kleine Schriften zur Indogermanistik und zur griechischen Wortkunde. 1966. 463 p. paper 215.00 cloth 240.00
  53. Hagendahl, H., Augustine and the Latin classics. Vol. 1-2. 1967. 769 p. paper 340.00
  54. Dahlén, E., Études syntaxiques sur les pronoms réfléchis pléonastiques en latin. 1964. 206 p. paper 135.00 cloth 150.00
  55. Tengström, E., Donatisten und Katholiken. Soziale, wirtschaftliche und politische Aspekte einer nordafrikanischen Kirchenspaltung. 1964. 202 p. paper 135.00 cloth 150.00
  56. Alexanderson, B., Die hippokratische Schrift Prognostikon. Überlieferung und Text. 1963. 250 p. paper 110.00 paper 150.00 cloth 165.00
  57. Lunaria et zodiologia Latina. Ed. et commentario philologico instruxit Emanuel Svenberg. 1963. 125 p. paper 120.00 cloth 135.00
  58. Vilborg, E., Achilles Tatius, Leucippe and Clitophon. A commentary. 1962. 140 p. paper 125.00 cloth 140.00
  59. Tengström, E., Die Protokollierung der Collatio Carthaginensis. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der römischen Kurzschrift nebst einem Exkurs über das Wort scheda (schedula). 1962. 53 p. paper 90.00
  60. Klostermann, R.A., Erzbischof Basileios von Smyrna. Ein neugriechischer Prediger. 1962. 47 p. paper 85.00 OUT OF PRINT
  61. Düring, I., Aristotle’s Protrepticus. An attempt at reconstruction. 1961. 295 p. paper 155.00 cloth 170.00 Out of print
  62. Aristotle and Plato in the mid-fourth century. Papers of the Symposium Aristotelicum held at Oxford in August, 1957. Ed. by I. Düring & G.E.L. Owen. 1960. 280 p. cloth 165.00
  63. Breitholtz, L., Die dorische Farce im griechischen Mutterland vor dem 5. Jahrhundert. Hypothese oder Realität? 1960. 257 p., ill. (Also published as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 66:4.) cloth 160.00
  64. Vilborg, E., A tentative grammar of Mycenaean Greek. 1960. 169 p. (Only available as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 66:2.) Out of print
  65. Wistrand, E., Horace’s ninth epode and its historical background. 1958. 59 p. (Only available as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 64:9.) paper 100.00 Out of print
  66. Landau, O., Mykenisch-griechische Personennamen. 1958. 305 p. cloth 180.00
  67. Hagendahl, H., Latin fathers and the classics. A study of the apologists, Jerome and other Christian writers. 1958. 424 p. (Only available as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 64:2.) paper 200.00 Out of print
  68. Düring, I., Aristotle in the ancient biographical tradition. 1957. 490 p. (Also published as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 63:2.) Out of print
  69. Wistrand, E., Die Chronologie der Punica des Silius Italicus. Beiträge zur Interpretation der Flavischen Literatur. 1956. 63 p. (Also published as: Göteborgs universitets årsskrift/Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Vol. 62:9.) paper 95.00
  70. Eriksson, Sven, Wochentagsgötter, Mond und Tierkreis. Laienastrologie in der römischen Kaiserzeit. 1956. 128 p. paper 125.00
  71. Fridh, Å. J:son, Terminologie et formules dans les Variae de Cassiodore. Études sur le développement du style administratif aux derniers siécles de l’antiquité. 1956. XII, 200 p. Out of print
  72. Achilles Tatius, Leucippe and Clitophon. Ed. by Ebbe Vilborg. 1955. XCII, 191 p. paper 150.00 Out of print

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