Understanding how your publications are evaluated

Tuesday 14 November, at 13:00 - 15:00
Social Sciences Library, Föreningsgatan 20

Where your publications are published, how they are cited, and where they are indexed will be measured and evaluated, both nationally and locally, throughout your research career.

Join this workshop to find out more about how publication indicators such as the h-index and the impact factor can (or should not) be used and try out some tools used to calculate the metrics.

About the event

The Social Sciences Libraries offer a workshop for doctoral students who have started to think about where to publish and about their future career.

The workshop will make use of active learning techniques. Choose if you want to participate on campus or in Zoom (two different dates).

To facilitate active learning during the workshop, you will need to do some (limited) preparations before the workshop. You will get instructions after registration.

The workshop has a focus on disciplines at the Faculties of Education, IT, Social Science and the School of Business, Economics and Law.

  • Event series: Social Sciences Libraries events for PhD students
  • Event type: Workshop
  • Language: In English only
  • Audience: Doctoral students