20 minutes for researchers: Help, my publication isn't covered by an open access agreement!

Tuesday 4 February, at 08:15

In this session, we will discuss some options for making your research accessible when you publish in channels where the university library does not cover the open access fee. We will look at how you find out if you can upload a copy of your publication and show examples of copies deposited in Gupea.

About the event

During 20 minutes we will recommend tools and services that can facilitate your life as a researcher. No registration needed. The presentation will not be recorded.

If you are unable to attend and would like to know more about the topic, please contact us at forskarservice@ub.gu.se and we’ll be happy to set up a separate Zoom session with your research group.

More events in the series 20 minutes for researchers

  • Event series: 20 minutes for researchers
  • Event type: Webinar
  • Language: English (or Swedish, if all participants speak Swedish)
  • Audience: Researchers and doctoral students