Submit copies of doctoral thesis to the library

Before defending your doctoral thesis you are required to submit a number of copies of your thesis to the library. The copies must be the printed, complete defence versions of your doctoral thesis.

Submit copies well in advance

Three weeks prior to your doctoral defence at the very latest, you are required to submit copies of your doctoral thesis to the University Library. When submitting you will get a certificate stating that you have submitted the right amount of copies. Bring the certificate to the faculty office who will need it for the approval and publishing of your thesis.

Submit the right number of copies

The number of copies you are supposed to submit depends on which faculty you belong to.

  • Sahlgrenska Academy: 9 copies
  • Faculty of Science and Technology: 6 copies
    • Departments from the former IT Faculty: 10 copies
  • Other faculties: 10 copies

Submit to the right library

If you are a doctoral student at the Faculty of Science and Technology or at Sahlgrenska Academy you submit your copies to the Biomedical Library, Medicinaregatan 4. The Biomedical Library accepts copies when the library is open. You do not need to contact the library in advance.

If you are a doctoral student at any other faculties you submit your copies to the Humanities Library, Lundgrensgatan 1. The Humanities Library accepts copies between 8.00 and 15.00. Please notify the library's Facility and Transportation Services before arriving.

Layout of library copies

Complete defence version with title page

The copies that you submit to the Library must be the printed, complete defence version of your doctoral thesis. Remember that the title page (spikblad) has to be included in each copy.

ISBN for doctoral theses

Some institutions recommend that the thesis abstract and the title page include an ISBN number. The Library distributes ISBN for theses published at the University of Gothenburg.

About ISBN for doctoral theses

Gupea ID

If you have registered your doctoral thesis in Gupea for e-publishing it has been assigned a unique ID with the format Some departments recommend that you state the Gupea ID in the abstract and on the title page of your thesis.

Legal deposit in addition to the library copies

In addition to the copies you shall submit to the University Library, the printing house is obliged by law to provide seven copies as legal deposit. The distribution of the legal deposit copies is usually handled by the printing house.

Contact us about library copies

Contact the Biomedical Library or the Humanities Library if you have any questions concerning the library copies of your doctoral thesis.

  • Describe your question