Rules for the use of Gothenburg University Library

Applies from 2022-08-25

Gothenburg University Library is a public library and open to all. We have drawn up these rules on the use of the Library so that we can give users the best possible service. All users of the Library, whether or not they hold a library card, and whether they visit the Library physically or online, must comply with these rules. When applying for a library card, users confirm that they accept these rules. The Library Director decides the Library’s rules, and any updates are published on the Library’s website.

Library card

Anyone is welcome to visit the Library, but a library card is needed to access some of the Library’s services, such as borrowing books. A library card can be either a GU card acting as a library card or an actual library card issued by the Library. Applicants for a library card must be at least 15 years of age and have a Swedish address. Foreign students and visiting researchers without a GU card can obtain a library card if they can document that they have been accepted for studies or that they are otherwise affiliated with the University of Gothenburg or some other academic institution in Sweden. Those who do not have a Swedish identity number but have temporary residence in Sweden can obtain a library card if supported by a Swedish guarantor. Applicants for library cards must visit the Library in person and provide valid proof of identity. Distance and online students without a GU card may be issued a library card under a separate scheme.

A library card is a valuable item. It is personal and must not be used by others. The number of the card must not be shared with others. Borrowers must inform the Library of any change of address or e-mail address. The cardholder agrees to comply with applicable rules, including any changes made after the card is issued. Loss of a GU card must be reported through the Student/Employee Portal or to the nearest Service Centre. Loss of a library card must be reported immediately to the Library. A charge will be made for replacementl ibrary cards. Library cards are valid at all libraries under Gothenburg University Library and must always be used when borrowing items.


The borrower is personally responsible for borrowed items and must respect the loan period. Items must be returned on time and in the same condition as when they were taken out. Loans for another person will be permitted only if this can be confirmed.

Home loans

The loan period varies depending on the type of item. The loan period is normally 14 days for course books and 30 days for other books. Loans can generally be renewed if an item has not been reserved by another user. The rules on which items may be borrowed are set by each individual library. Reference works, publications more than 100 years old, the latest issues of periodicals, manuscripts and irreplaceable/valuable items may not be taken home.

Reading-room loans

Items issued as reading-room loans must not be removed from the Library. The same applies to items issued as research-room loans. Manuscripts and other unique materials must not be left unattended in the reading room and must be returned immediately after use.

Late returns

If an item has not been returned 14 days after the due date, the borrower is liable to pay the replacement cost of SEK 600. For course books, there is also a late-return fine for each day that the book is overdue (see below under "Course book loans"). The university library will not repay the replacement cost if the borrower has paid the replacement cost and later returns the material. The borrower will be barred from further borrowing from any of the libraries under Gothenburg University Library until the amount owing has been paid.

Course book loans

If a course book is not returned by the due date, the borrower is liable to pay a late-return fine of SEK 10 per book per day. If the book has not been returned 14 days after the due date, a replacement cost is also applied. If an item is returned after the Library has applied the replacement cost, the borrower is still liable to pay the late-return fine. An already payed replacement cost is not refunded if the item is returned. The borrower will be barred from further borrowing from any of the libraries under Gothenburg University Library until the amount owing has been paid.

Interlibrary loans

To supplement the University Library’s own collections, items may be borrowed from other libraries for study or research. However, the Library will not order in items that form part of its collections but are just out on loan. Interlibrary loans are subject to the loan periods and the terms and conditions of the other library.

Damaged and lost items

The borrower must check the condition of an item when it is issued and is responsible for informing the Library of any damage. If a damaged item needs to be repaired or replaced the borrower is liable to pay the cost. The Library will determine the extent of the damage. Written notes and underlining count as damage. The borrower is liable to pay for the replacement cost of SEK 600 for damaged or lost items, as well as a late-return fine where applicable. The Library will take responsibility for purchasing a replacement for damaged and lost items and will perform all repairs. Damaged items for which the borrower has paid compensation remain the property of the University Library.

Photocopying and reproduction

The Library’s materials may be photocopied where permitted by law. Borrowers may not photocopy manuscripts and other sensitive materials themselves. The Library will decide whether the nature and format of the material permits reproduction, and which form of reproduction should be used, based on a set price list.

The Library’s computers

The Library’s computers are intended primarily for study and research within the University of Gothenburg. Use of the computers must comply with the University of Gothenburg’s IT rules. The University Library has a zero tolerance policy towards discrimination, which means that the Library’s premises, computers and networks must not be used in a way that can be considered discriminatory or offensive. This includes the use of the Library’s computers to view pornography.

Use of electronic resources

The electronic resources (databases, e-journals and e-books) made available by the University Library are intended for study and research and must never be used for commercial purposes or in ways that breach copyright. Students, researchers and employees of the University of Gothenburg can also access most of the Library’s databases, e-journals and e-books from computers outside the University’s networks.

Confidentiality and data protection

Information about an individual’s loans, reservations and other orders are confidential pursuant to chapter 40, section 3 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (SFS 2009:400). In general, the Library will process personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Violations of the rules

Anyone who breaks the rules above or behaves in such a way as to disturb other users of the Library or hinder the functioning of the Library, and who does not desist when asked to do so, may be barred by the Library Director from further borrowing and/or from access to the physical library and/or its resources for a set period.