Acta Philosophica Gothoburgensia
Utgiven av Institutionen för filosofi, lingvistik och vetenskapsteori vid Göteborgs universitet
ISSN: 0283-2380
Redaktörer: Bengt Brülde, Anna-Sofia Maurin, Graham Leigh and Christian Munthe
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- Elliot, Jasmine, ”A social engineer or a parasite on society”: The moral responsibility of enabling (un)ethical business conduct. Göteborg 2024. 59 p. ISBN 978-91-7963-167-3 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7963-168-0 (pdf) paper 189.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Zachrau, Maximilian, Fundamental dynamicity : a metaphysics of time and process. Göteborg 2024. 193 p. ISBN 978-91-7963-163-5 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7963-164-2 (pdf) paper. NOT FOR SALE
- Karimi, Paiman, Relaxing normativity : essays on relaxed approaches to realism about normativity. Göteborg 2023. 53 p. ISBN 978-91-7963-157-4 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7963-158-1 (pdf) paper 189.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Behdadi, Dorna, Nonhuman moral agency: a practice-focused exploration of moral agency in nonhuman animals and artificial intelligence. Göteborg 2023. 201 p. ISBN 978-91-7963-149-9 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7963-150-5 (pdf) paper 189.00
- Endörfer, Richard, Weapons of Mass Destruction : financial crises from a philosophical perspective. Göteborg 2022. 98 p. ISBN 978-91-7963-121-5 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7963-122-2 (pdf) paper 120.00
- El-Alti, Confluence and Divergence of emancipatory healthcare ideals and psychiatric contextual challenges. Göteborg 2022. 82 s. ISBN 978-91-7963-105-5 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7963-106-2 (pdf) paper 189.00
- Andersson, Alexander. Giving executives their due : just pay, desert, and equality. Göteborg 2021. ISBN 978-91-7963-085-0 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7963-086-7 (pdf) paper. NOT FOR SALE
- Hartvigsson, Thomas, Explorations of the relationship between the right to make decisions and moral responsibility in healthcare. Göteborg 2020. 90 p. ISBN 978-91-7963-042-3 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7963-043-0 (pdf) paper 189.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Petersson, Stellan, Disarming context dependence : a formal inquiry into indexicalism and truth-conditional pragmatics. Göteborg 2019. 192 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-532-8 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7346-533-5 (pdf) paper 189.00
- Stråge, Alva, Minds, brains, and desert : on the relevance of neuroscience for retributive punishment. Göteborg 2019. 232 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-530-4 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7346-531-1 (pdf) paper 189.00
- Tiozzo, Marco, Moral disagreement and the significance of higher-order evidence. Göteborg 2018. 54 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-992-3 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7346-992-0 (pdf) paper 189.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Sjöln, Wirling, Ylwa, Modal empiricism made difficult : an essay in the meta-epistemology of modality. Göteborg 2019. 244 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-983-8 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7346-984-5 (pdf) paper 189.00
- Gorbow, Kindvall, Paul, Self-similarity in the foundations. Göteborg 2018. 163 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-970-8 paper 189.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Filin Karlsson, Martin, All there is : on the semantics of quantification over absolutely everything. Göteborg 2018. 176 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-949-4 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7346-950-0 (pdf) paper 189.00
- Blanck, Rasmus, Contributions to the metamathematics of arithmetic : fixed points, independence, and flexibility. Göteborg 2017. 107 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-917-3 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7346-918-0 (pdf) paper 189.00
- Kaså, Martin, Truth and proof in the long run : essays on trial-and-error logics. Göteborg 2017. 62 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-903-6 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7346-904-3 (pdf) paper 189.00 OUT OF PRINT
- Georgsson, Peter, Metaphor and indirect communication in Nietzsche.Göteborg 2014 133 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-775-9 paper 189.00
- Sjögren, Jörgen, Concept Formation in Matematics. Göteborrg 2011 63 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-705-6 paper 189.00
- Svennerlind, Christer, Moderate Nominalism and Moderate Realism. Göteborg 2008. 290 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-618-9 paper 180,00
- Sandberg, Joakim, The Ethics of Investing. Making Money or Making a Difference? Göteborg 2008. 321 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-613-4 paper 180,00
- Francén, Ragnar, Metaethical Relativism. Against the Single Analysis Assumption. Göteborg 2007. 258 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-604-2 paper 180,00
- Ahlström, Kristoffer, Constructive Analysis. A Study in Epistemological Methodology. Göteborg 2007. 311 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-603-5 180.00
- Almér, Alexander, Naturalising intentionality. Inquiries into realism & relativism. Göteborg 2007. 282 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-588-5 180.00
- Almäng, Jan, Intentionality and intersubjectivitiy.Göteborg 2007. 210 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-583-0 180,00
- Andersson, Petra, Humanity and nature. Towards a consistent holistic environmental ethics. 2007. 180 p. ISBN 978-91-7346-578-6 paper 180,00
- Radovic, Susanna, Introspecting Representations. Göteborg 2005. 200 p. ISBN 91-7346-540-2 paper 180,00
- Juth, Niklas, Genetic Information Values and Rights. The Morality of Presymptomatic Genetic Testing. Göteborg 2005. 459 p. ISBN 91-7346-534-8 paper 200,00
- Gren, Jonas, Applying utilitarianism. The problem of practical action-guidance. Göteborg 2004. 160 p. ISBN 91-7346-508-9 paper 180.00
- Sundqvist, Fredrik, Perceptual Dynamics. Theoretical foundations and philosophical implications of gestalt psychology. Göteborg 2003. 261 p. ISBN 91-7346-486-4 paper 180.00
- Lif, Jan, Can a Consequentialist be a real friend? (Who cares?) Göteborg 2003. 167 p ISBN 91-7346-468-6 paper 150.00
- Lorentzon, Frank, Fri vilja? 2002. 175 pp ISBN 91-7346-442-2 paper 150.00
- Gustavsson, Kent, Emergent Consciousness. Themes in C.D. Broad’s Philosophy of Mind. 2002. 204 p. ISBN 91-7346-430-9 paper 150.00
- Sandman, Lars, A Good Death on the Value of Death and Dying. 2001. 359 p. ISBN 91-7346-422-8 paper 180.00
- Tamburrini, Claudio M., The "Hand of God"? Essays in the Philosophy of Sports. 2000. 167 p. ISBN 91-7346-379-5 paper 150.00
- Mårtensson, Johan, Subjunctive Conditionals and Time. A Defense of a Weak Classical Approach. 1999. 212 p. ISBN 91-7346-365-5 paper 150.00
- Munthe, Christian, Pure Selection. The Ethics of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis and Choosing Children without Abortion. 1999. 310 p. ISBN 91-7346-362-0 paper 180.00
- Thorseth, May, Legitimate and Illegitimate Paternalism in Polyethnic Conflicts. 1999. 214 p. ISBN 91-7346-339-6 paper 180.00
- Mark, Eva, Självbilder och jagkonstitution. 1998. 236 p. ISBN 91-7346-338-8 paper 180.00
- Brülde, Bengt, The Human Good. 1998. 490 p. ISBN 91-7346-324-8 paper 180.00
- Strannegård, Claes, Arithmetical realizations of modal formulas. 1997. 100 p ISBN 91-7346-306-X paper 150.00
- Tolland, Anders, Epistemological relativism and relativistic epistemology. 1991. 156 p. ISBN 91-7346-236-5 paper 130.00
- Cum grano salis. Essays dedicated to Dick A. R. Haglund. Ed. Claes Åberg. 1989. 263 pp. ISBN 91-7346-220-9 paper 150.00
- Carlshamre, Staffan, Language and time. An attempt to arrest the thought of Jacques Derrida. 1986. 253 pp. ISBN 91-7346-184-9 OUT OF PRINT
- Logic and abstraction. Essays dedicated to Per Lindström on his fiftieth birthday. Ed. Mats Furberg ... 1986. 347 p. paper 150.00