Succeeding with a subject search

Wednesday 7 February, at 13:00 - 15:00

How do you find literature relevant to your research topic? Or verify that no one has published on this before? In this workshop we will address how a subject can be turned into an efficient search in subject databases. We will focus on strategies and techniques that you can then apply to your own subject.

About the event

The Social Sciences Libraries offer a workshop for doctoral students who are starting up their literature review, writing their thesis plan or feel they need a run-through of how to search for information in subject databases.

The workshop will make use of active learning techniques and we will invite you to have a look at some material in Canvas before the workshop. The workshop will take place in Zoom.

The workshop has a focus on disciplines at the Faculties of Education, IT, Social Science and the School of Business, Economics and Law.

See more events in the series Social Sciences Libraries workshops for PhD students

  • Event series: Social Sciences Libraries workshops for PhD students
  • Event type: Workshop
  • Language: In English only
  • Audience: Doctoral students