Opening hours and contact during the summer

5 June 2020

Three libraries keep their entrance floors open for pick up and return of books during the summer. You can contact all libraries via telephone or our contact forms.

Opening hours weekdays 12.00–16.00

The following libraries keep their entrance floors open for pick up and return of books during the summer:

Biomedical Library

During the summer the Biomedical Library is open for all visitors Monday–Friday, 12.00–16.00.

Humanities Library

During the summer the Humanities Library is open for all visitors Monday–Friday, 12.00–16.00.

Education Library

During the summer the Education Library is open only for students and staff with a GU card. The library is closed for visitors without a GU card.

8 June to 28 June
Monday - Friday 12:00 - 16:00
29 June - 9 August
10 August - 30 August
Monday - Friday 12:00 - 16:00

Telephone hours weekdays 10.00–16.00

All our libraries answer questions from 10.00 to 16.00 on weekdays, including the closed libraries. You will find telephone numbers and contact forms on the libraries' own pages. We help you in a way that suits you, online or by phone.

To the libraries

Information desk in Zoom

Visit our information desk via Zoom to get help with your questions. We are open Monday to Friday, from 10.00–11.00 and from 14.00–15.00.

To our information desk in Zoom