20 minutes for researchers: Three (!) citation databases – a brief comparison (på engelska)

Tisdag 2 maj, kl. 08:15

The established multidisciplinary citation databases Scopus and Web of Science have recently updated their interfaces and features. There is also a new competitor: Dimensions. We will look at how the databases differ and discuss reasons for choosing one, the other, or possibly the third of them.

About the event

This event in the series 20 minutes for researchers is arranged by the Social Sciences Libraries and Team Publishing and bibliometrics. Researchers and doctoral students from any faculty are welcome to join.

If you are unable to attend and would like to know more about the topic, please contact us at forskarservice@ub.gu.se and we’ll be happy to set up a separate Zoom session with your research group.

No registration needed. The presentation will not be recorded.

  • Serie: 20 minuter för forskare
  • Evenemangstyp: Webbinarium
  • Språk: Engelska (eller svenska, om alla deltagare är svensktalande)
  • Målgrupp: Forskare och doktorander